• Highest Grade Tea! Old Tea Tree Golden Needle of Yunnan Black Tea (古樹金芽滇紅)

    TanLong Ancient Tea collection

  • $35.00

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  • Description

    Growing in the mountains located 2000 meters above sea level, only the best tea buds from centuries-old ancient tea trees are plucked to produce this Golden Tip. The quality is superior to many other black teas on the market. The key difference between Yunnan Black Tea and other black teas is the amount of "golden tips" contained in the tea.

    Finer Yunnan black tea exhibits a bright amber color, a floral scent, and a sweet taste. Cheaper varieties of black tea produce a darker liquor and can be very bitter.

    This black tea is made from ancient big leaf tea trees, which contain a richer content of polyphenols, contributing to its strong aromatic taste.

    It is the highest grade and most expensive type of tea.


    Tea buds, also called tips or needles, are the youngest parts of the tea plant and are packed with goodness. However, they are also tiny and super time-consuming to pick. Thousands and thousands of buds are needed to make just one kilo of Silver Needle.

    This bud-only picking process is why Silver Needle is so expensive and less common than other white teas. In most cases, it's not worth it to pick just these tiny little buds alone.

    But something interesting happens when you use just the buds. Remember that the buds are the smallest, most precious parts of the tea plant since they will later grow into bigger leaves.

    So tea bushes put in tons of effort into producing these buds and protecting them from cold, stress, and pests. As a result, they contain the highest levels of the good stuff in tea: caffeine, theanine, and polyphenols.

    Source from: https://www.teacurious.com/guide-silver-needle

    The nickname of this noble black tea is "The Daughter's Tea." When Queen Elizabeth of England visited Yunnan, it was presented as a gift to the queen, who then placed the tea into glass utensils for aesthetic enjoyment.


    Black teas come from an antioxidant-rich plant called Camellia sinensis. Studies have found that black tea may help improve cardiovascular health and oral health.

    Black tea may also help you relax and concentrate better. Furthermore, it has been shown to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol when consumed in moderate amounts on a regular basis.


    Place 6g-8g of Golden Tip into a small tea cup, steep for 9 seconds in 75ºC water.

    **SAMPLES ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST! Please place your order for the samples.**

    How to prepare

    • Quantity

      1/3 gaiwan, 5g-7g or less
      Water volume: 150ml to 250ml

    • Temperature

      or 95ºC, near boiling

    • Steeping Time

      30 secs;
      add 5 secs to subsequent infusions

     極品古樹金芽滇紅採自海拔1700米以上無污染的地帶之百年古樹。以最頂級芽尖手工製造而成,條索緊直肥壯,苗鋒秀麗完整,金毫多而顯露,色澤烏黑油潤,湯色紅濃透明。古樹金芽全部選用春天的芽頭,且是色澤質地最好的、茶色金黃,條形完整,茶湯掛杯,口感濃鬱、柔和、圓潤、均衡,果香酸鮮、清爽。譽為紅茶中的珍品。1986年,英國女王伊麗莎白二世訪問中國,滇紅曾作為國禮贈送給伊麗莎白二世. 伊麗莎白二世將“滇紅”置於透明器皿內作為觀賞之物,視為珍品。  滇西瀾滄江峽谷地帶也是世界上最重要的茶樹發源地之一,冬無嚴寒,夏無酷暑,雨熱同季的自然條件孕育出最為特別的喬木型大葉種茶樹。被譽為“茶中奇品”的古樹金芽滇紅正是取材於雲南大葉種茶。有益消化、抗老化、有益心血管健康、抗癌、抗輻射。


    • Gabriela  Prieto (Teascopia Tea Sommelier and Tea Blogger) :

    "The wet leaves reveal the aroma of roasted peach, honey and burnt sugar. Aldo reminded me a bit of the muscatel taste of a fine Darjeeling. Vicky noted down in the package that it tastes like nectar, and it definitely does. it has a round body with a thick texture and a taste of peach or apricot juice. It's full of flavour more than aroma. Not sweet but very fruity with a delicious long lasting aftertaste. Definitely my favorite of them all!"



    "Ooh the aroma of the second steep is snappy, it mixes cocoa and roasted peanuts with, oh my, it is like sniffing menthol but without the mint, it has a delightful cooling cleaning note at the finish, that is just fun! The taste is just a mouthful of deliciousness! It starts off with a cooling and creamy mouthfeel, and then a boom of malt and cocoa. It mixes sweetness and a cooling sensation so fantastically, it is like a party in my mouth. The finish is cherry and honey, and that honey taste lingers for quite a while."



    • Yang-chu (Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Herbalist) :

    Roasted, malty and floral. No bitterness or astringency. You cold steep it for a year or gong-fu style. It’s up to you. Spectacular Yunnan Gold/Dian Hong. Not robust like you might prefer, rather soft, delicious, the best that could be produced from such fragrant and downy leaves. Think of it as the Yi-wu of dian-hong and then you’ve got the idea. Dry, it is floral like a cross between wild chrysanthemum and rose.



    • Jenny ( Professional Architect) : "Addicted to your tea! LOL "
  • Old Tree Golden Needle of Yunnan
  • Highest Grade Tea! Old Tea Tree Golden Needle of Yunnan Black Tea (古樹金芽滇紅)
  • Highest Grade Tea! Old Tea Tree Golden Needle of Yunnan Black Tea (古樹金芽滇紅)
  • Highest Grade Tea! Old Tea Tree Golden Needle of Yunnan Black Tea (古樹金芽滇紅)

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