LondonFog, simple steps 1,2,3😼
How to make LondonFog Tea Latte:
1) Extra Strength Earl Grey Tea Bags x 2. Tea bags available on
2) Rinse the Tea Bag in order to release the tea flavor. (drain out the tea liquid in seconds, don't drink it)
3) Add Hot Milk, steep for few seconds or few minutes. Feel free to add syrup.
#recipes #torontopastry
#torontotea #tea #earlgrey #latte #s #london #shoplocal #coffee #teatime #tealatte #earlgreytea #londonsky #homemade #instagood #espresso #brunch #cafe #cafe #besttea #craftcocktail #americano #tealover #icedtea #torontocoffee #pastry