• Big Red Robe- Mineral Rock WuYi Mountain Oolong 50g, 40-50cups

    Five Elements Tea Co.

  • $28.00

  • Description

    山間岩縫和溝壕的特別土質賦予大紅袍一種堅韌,醇厚的品質,被譽為“茶中之王”。大紅袍生長在武夷山脈的茶葉獨領山水靈氣,具有“岩骨花香”之韻,湯色溫潤,口感細膩順滑,岩韻突顯,,餘味宛如幽谷隱客,清雅絕俗。 “大紅袍”茶的採製技術與其他岩茶相類似,只不過更加精細而已。大紅袍的製作技藝是國家級非物質文化遺產。

    Mineral Rock WuYi Mountain Oolong  is a prestigious Wuyi oolong tea, belong to the Oolong tea category.
     Wu Yi mountain is a UNSECO World Heritage site, WuYi native people started making Oolong tea from 1650 to the present.WuYi Oolong tea also known as “Rock Tea.” It is considered  as one of the preeminent styles of Oolong tea.
    This tea grows in the mineral rich, sandy soil on WuYi mountain region. Therefore, it is very rich in mineral. It also contains rich, fruity fragrance taste and a aftertaste of toasted bread.
    Health Benefit:
    - Rich in mineral content
    - May help boost up the energy level during the day
    - May help reduce the cholesterol levels,  lowering the risk of heart attacks
    - May help Fights bacterial infections
    - May help Control obesity


    How to prepare

    • Quantity

      1/3 gaiwan, 5g-7g
      Water volume: 150ml to 250ml

    • Temperature


    • Steeping Time

      1 min - 2 mins; 
      add 5 secs to subsequent infusions

  • Mineral Rock WuYi Mountain Oolong
  • Mineral Rock WuYi Mountain Tea Field

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