• Big Red Robe- Mineral Rock WuYi Mountain Oolong 50g, 40-50cups

    Five Elements Tea Co.

  • $28.00

  • Description

    Wuyi Mountain Oolong, also known as Rock Tea, is indeed one of the most famous types of Oolong teas with a deep heritage, tracing its roots back to the 1650s. Its unique flavor profile, enriched by the mineral-rich soil of the Wuyi mountain region, makes it distinct in taste, characterized by a fruity fragrance and a toasted bread aftertaste.

    Health Benefits

    • Rich in Minerals: Oolong tea from Wuyi Mountain is grown in nutrient-dense soil, enhancing its mineral content.
    • Boosts Energy: The caffeine content may provide a subtle energy boost, making it a great tea for daytime consumption.
    • Supports Heart Health: Regular consumption may help lower cholesterol, which can reduce the risk of heart disease.
    • Fights Infections: It may aid in combating bacterial infections due to its antimicrobial properties.
    • Aids in Weight Control: Some studies suggest Oolong tea may help control weight and reduce the risk of obesity.

    How to Prepare Wuyi Mountain Oolong Tea


    • Use 5g to 7g of tea leaves (about 1/3 of your gaiwan, a traditional Chinese tea brewing vessel).
    • Adjust the amount depending on personal preference.

    Water Volume

    • 150ml to 250ml, depending on your brewing vessel size.


    • Use water at 100°C (boiling temperature) for optimal flavor extraction.

    Steeping Time

    • The first infusion: Steep for 1 to 2 minutes.
    • For subsequent infusions, increase the steeping time by 5 seconds for each brew.

    By following these instructions, you can enjoy the rich flavors and benefits of this prestigious Wuyi Mountain Oolong tea.


    山間岩縫和溝壕的特別土質賦予大紅袍一種堅韌,醇厚的品質,被譽為“茶中之王”。大紅袍生長在武夷山脈的茶葉獨領山水靈氣,具有“岩骨花香”之韻,湯色溫潤,口感細膩順滑,岩韻突顯,,餘味宛如幽谷隱客,清雅絕俗。 “大紅袍”茶的採製技術與其他岩茶相類似,只不過更加精細而已。大紅袍的製作技藝是國家級非物質文化遺產。


  • Mineral Rock WuYi Mountain Oolong
  • Mineral Rock WuYi Mountain Tea Field

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