• UNESCO World Heritage Site-Jing Mai Mountain Hundreds Year Old Wild Tea Tree- Mini Disc 景邁山放野老茶樹 (Unfermented PuEr)

    TanLong Tea Wholesale and Manufacture

  • $7.00

  • Description

    The Cultural Landscape of Old Tea Forests of Jingmai Mountain in Pu'er is China's 57th UNESCO World Heritage Site and the world's first tea culture World Heritage Site.

    This JingMai Ancient Tea Tree Mini cakes contains rich and floral taste. The tea is very strong which 1/4 of the mini cake is strong enough to make a 8 oz cup of tea. We suggest you  to steep the tea for at least 5 infusions. It is very long lasting after a sip, the bitter sweetness after-taste can last for almost 5 mins , strong cooling effects and rich tea soup.

    At this moment , Jing Main mountain tea forest is nominating for World Heritage.

    "Jingmai’s tea plantations are under consideration for inclusion in UNESCO's World Heritage list, and there is a fledgling tea tourism industry. For the moment, however, Western travelers remain a rare sight in the ethnic villages and cloud-shrouded valleys of Jingmai."- National Geographic

    Jing Mai Old Tea Tree

    In recent years,Semi-wild  ancient tea trees

    older than 1000 years have been discovered in Jing Mai Mountain area,

    making it one of the earliest tea cultivation regions in the world.

    The Tea Tree Forest:

    JingMai Mountain's tea trees grow extensively in secondary

    growth tropical monsoon evergreen broad-leafed forests.

    Such forests have the arbor layer at the top, the shrub layer in

    the middle and the vegetation layer at the bottom. Tall arbors

    such as Toona Ciliata and Ficus Microcarpa grow in the

    upper layer; the middle layer is dominated by ancient tea

    trees and decorated with plants such as Lauraceae,

    Ericaceae. The lower layer is covered by Gramineae and

    Herbs. Compared with common terraced tea plantations, this

    special multi-layered ecosystem plantation gives ancient

    Pu’er tea trees well-preserved soil fertility, and effectively

    reduced disease and pest.

    In addition, JingMai Mountain local people not only believe

    in Buddhism, but also believe in the "tea ancestor". They

    host a grand ceremony to worship their ancestors who

    discovered tea. They call the most exuberant tea

    tree the "Tree of Tea Spirit". For over one thousand years,

    local people have built a friendly relationship with ancient

    tea trees and the nature with respects.

    Jingmai Mountain is also part of the Ancient Tea Horse

    Route. Through the Ancient Tea Horse Rout, tea culture was

    spreading all over the world.

    Region: HuiMin, LangCang

    Latitude: 1662 meters above sea level

    Ages of tea trees: 60-1000 years

    Characteristics of JingMai Mountain teas: Deep wild orchid

    aroma, long lasting "HuiGan" (aftertaste sweetness)


    景邁山 古茶

    長久以來,人們稱老班章為普洱茶之茶王, 景邁山因蘭香

    突顯,茶湯甘甜,回甘持久,被喻為茶后。 正因為香甜回




    邁香。景邁山古茶園保存良好,有萬畝古茶園之稱。 屬喬














    功 效: 自古以來普洱茶就通過茶馬古道進貢到皇宮,普







  • UNESCO World Heritage Site-Jing Mai Mountain Hundreds Year Old Wild Tea Tree- Mini Disc 景邁山放野老茶樹 (Unfermented PuEr)
  • UNESCO World Heritage Site-Jing Mai Mountain Hundreds Year Old Wild Tea Tree- Mini Disc 景邁山放野老茶樹 (Unfermented PuEr)
  • UNESCO World Heritage Site-Jing Mai Mountain Hundreds Year Old Wild Tea Tree- Mini Disc 景邁山放野老茶樹 (Unfermented PuEr)
  • UNESCO World Heritage Site-Jing Mai Mountain Hundreds Year Old Wild Tea Tree- Mini Disc 景邁山放野老茶樹 (Unfermented PuEr)
  • UNESCO World Heritage Site-Jing Mai Mountain Hundreds Year Old Wild Tea Tree- Mini Disc 景邁山放野老茶樹 (Unfermented PuEr)
  • UNESCO World Heritage Site-Jing Mai Mountain Hundreds Year Old Wild Tea Tree- Mini Disc 景邁山放野老茶樹 (Unfermented PuEr)
  • UNESCO World Heritage Site-Jing Mai Mountain Hundreds Year Old Wild Tea Tree- Mini Disc 景邁山放野老茶樹 (Unfermented PuEr)

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