
  • Puer tea raw leaf price 2014 forecast



    From online sources , tea price will be rising up to Chinese RMB20000/ kg on 2014








    Chinese RMB / KG


    1、老班章古树     8000-10000元/kg  BanZhang

    2、南糯山古树     1200-1600元/kg NanLuo Mountain

    3、帕沙古树       800-1200元/kg PaiSa ancient tree 

    4、老曼娥古树     1600-2000元/kg LaoMan E

    5、南本老寨古树   700-1000元/kg NanBen

    6、新班章古树     3000元/kg New BanZhang

    7、那卡古树       1500-1800元/kg NaKa

    8、贺开古树       1200-1500元/kg HeKai

    9、班盆古树       2500-3000元/kg BanPan



    1、刮风寨古树     3500-4500元/kg GuaFengZai

    2、麻黑古树       1000-1300元/kg MaHei ancient tree

    3、落水洞         1200-1500元/kg LuoSui Dong

    4、弯弓丁家寨     2500-3000元/kg WanGong Dingjia Zai

    5、高山寨         1500-1800元/kg GaoShan Zai

    6、大漆树         1000-1200元/kg DaQi shu

    7、象明-蛮砖      800元/公斤 kg XiangMing 

    8、象明-倚邦      900-1000元/公斤kg Yi Bang



    1、冰岛古树       15000-18000元/公斤 KG , BingDao Ancient tree ( TanLong Tea specialty)

    Some of you might wonder, how the BingDao's tea prices are higher than BanZhang? we can not afford them anymore! 

    Infact, BingDao area was less developed before it's becoming popular. LinCang was the birth place of tea in the world !!! can you believe how old the trees there can be !

    Meanwhile, trees there grow in high latitude non-polluted mountains. some people enjoy the sweetness of BingDao instead of the strong BanZhang Tea! That's why!

    yes, even TanLong tea master doesn't recommend people to purchase teas from BingDao nowdays.  If you are desperate for BingDao Teas , TanLong's warehouses still have lots of BingDao before 2014 ! we collected BingDao teas before it's becoming pricy .  



    2、昔归古树       2200-3000元/公斤 kg, Xi Gui 

    3、千家寨         600-800元/公斤kg , QianJia Zai



    1、景迈古树       1000-1600元/公斤kg,

    JingMai ( Jing mai mountain has the largest of ancient tea tree according to online sources. However, TanLong Master believe there are many other large sizes ancient tea trees forest on undeveloped tea mountains )

    2、景迈生态茶     200-300元/公斤kg,  JingMai all natural tea

    3、景谷古树       400元/公斤kg, JingGu

    JingGu is close to the Puer city, which was call SiMao back in old times. TanLong Masters have been to JingGu many times to search for old teas. However, they discovered that the raw tea leaf quality is not good as the tea leafs from LinCang area. since the Latitude of JingGu is lower than the LinCang area. Trees in LinCang area is actually older than Puer area. 







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