News / Iceland Pu'er Pu'ert tea
茶人的雅致生活 第二章 Tea Master's lives of Tea volume.2
一年一度的搶古樹茶季開始啦! 小寶寶跟大老闆們去收茶~笑 ~下一站西雙版納, 老班章 March , The puer raw leaf purchasing fight starts ! My Baby girl is on the plane to order Spring ancient tree Puer Teas.. READY FOR DEPARTURE! Next stop BanZhang, XiShuang BanNa 每年2,3月是茶季的開端, 準備好,登上飛機 採茶去. 老班章爭奪戰揭開帷幕了!你準備好觀戰未? 刺激。今年會突破3萬 一公斤的關口 嗎? 其實3萬也不太貴。 算起來 也不過$3加幣 一杯。 比 星巴克的咖啡便宜。 不過茶能更好的平衡人身體的陰陽 。尤其是無污染的人手採集古樹茶,對身體更好。 Will the Puer ancient tree leaves price rise over expectation to RMB $30000 per kg ? After we did a calculation; in fact, the price is not that crazy... at lease it is just less than $3 per cup of tea .. well...
Fast Way to Brew a Perfect Cup of Tea with the RIGHT water temperature
Do not use boiling water for green or white teas, as the leaves will burn, creating a bitter taste. An easy way to estimate the water temperature is to bring the water to a boil, allow the water to cool down before pouring over the leaves. Wait approximately 30 seconds for white tea and 60 seconds for green tea before pouring over the leaves. To visualize the heated water temperatures suitable for white and green teas, the water will have small "crab eye" bubbles on the surface edges, oolong teas will have "fish eye" bubbles across the entire...
Puer tea raw leaf price 2014 forecast
From online sources , tea price will be rising up to Chinese RMB20000/ kg on 2014 目前网络上都有各茶山价格的预测,由于各方面因素的影响明年春茶价格会变化,但是稳中有涨,不会出现大起大落之势。至于各方的观点跟数据只能作为一种参考依据,建议不要完全以某种预测来判断。下面让我们一起来看一下,茶人老李为我们提供的一组数据吧。 2014年老班章春茶最高点可冲至2万元/公斤。各大知名山头价格预估如下: Chinese RMB / KG 勐海片区(毛茶/均价) 1、老班章古树 8000-10000元/kg BanZhang 2、南糯山古树 1200-1600元/kg NanLuo Mountain 3、帕沙古树 800-1200元/kg PaiSa ancient tree 4、老曼娥古树 1600-2000元/kg LaoMan E 5、南本老寨古树 700-1000元/kg NanBen 6、新班章古树 3000元/kg New BanZhang 7、那卡古树 1500-1800元/kg NaKa 8、贺开古树 1200-1500元/kg HeKai 9、班盆古树 2500-3000元/kg BanPan 易武片区(毛茶/均价) 1、刮风寨古树 3500-4500元/kg GuaFengZai 2、麻黑古树 1000-1300元/kg MaHei ancient tree 3、落水洞 1200-1500元/kg LuoSui Dong 4、弯弓丁家寨 2500-3000元/kg WanGong Dingjia Zai 5、高山寨 1500-1800元/kg GaoShan Zai 6、大漆树 1000-1200元/kg DaQi shu 7、象明-蛮砖 800元/公斤 kg XiangMing 8、象明-倚邦 900-1000元/公斤kg Yi Bang 临沧片区(毛茶/均价) MOST...
Snow Mountain ancient Tree Puerh Green Tea When your are making the Snow Mountain ancient Tree Puerh Green Tea , it's recommended to use natural spring water at the temperature of 80c-90C. Keep in mind that the ancient tree puer green tea is very similar to green tea, you don't want to over cooked the tea . Otherwise, the tea will lost its aroma of the snow forest , and become bitter . 大雪山百年古樹茶其實跟綠茶沖泡相近,最好用80-90度低溫泉水,或者過壺水,能更好保存雪域幽香 。 If you have any questions please come to our facebook page at or send us an email at! Please also remember to visit our website at!
Pu'er Tea prices on a rise again this spring 2013
Newest Pu'er tea market price since Yesterday March 26, 2013 !BanZhang : $3200kg-$4500kg ( $500 US-$800 USD),BingDao Iceland :$4500kg-$5000kg,XiGui: $2600kg-$3200kg,GwaFengZai: $1600kg-$1800kg, JingMai: $600kg-$900kg.Those are the price in Chinese dollar, currency : $1CAD= $6 chinese dollarCan't believe BingDao's price has been up so much, and bidding BanZhang ! LOTs of tea collectors went to the tea mountains this spring, they are come back with full stomach of YunNan food, but not tea. Guess why ? Quote:"喝茶不是喝錢啊! 古普洱茶業簡訊:截止昨天各山頭大概價格:老班章3200一4500元,冰島4500一5000元,昔歸2600一3200元,刮風寨1600一1800元,景邁600一900元,曼松1200元一8000元,單位(每公斤),總結如下:錢多老班章,古茶肯定香、大款喝曼松,一身都輕鬆、錢少去冰島,去了也白跑、易武寨刮風,金卡必刷空、無奈上景邁、家家混著賣、最後下昔歸,空手把家歸。祝大家在新六大茶山吃好(土雞)、喝好(包穀酒),愉快的渡過茶山之旅!" If you have any questions please come to our facebook page at or send us an email at!...