News / garden
I got a line up of new teas await me to try ! Exciting ! They are all the best teas selected by my Beloved father Mr.Hu. "Feeling full of LOVE now!" BESIDES giving tea lectures in tea school, My dad stays in YunNan few months every year to make our signature Ancient Tree tea and he also travels to collect teas from best tea regions in YunNan . ( (Mr. Hu in traditional Chinese outfit) (Going deep to the undiscovered tea forest) The first day I got the new teas, I picked THE LEGENDARY MANSONG VALLEY to try because I was...
1500 Years of History Tang Dynasty Outfit meets with TEA
Promoting traditional Chinese tea culture at the Canada Best Chinese food culinary competition in an authentic Tang Dynasty outfit Tang Dynasty (618~907) was one of the most prosperous time or dynasty of China. The first Tea Book By LuYu was written at that Time . Back in the Tang Dynasty ,1398 years ago ! China was the only country had proper tea ceremony ! Promoting traditional chinese tea culture at the Canada Best Chinese food culinary competition in an authentic Tang Dynasty outfit . Upscale family unmarried girls wear this outfit at that time. Tang Dynasty (618~907) was one of the most prosperous time...
How To Pluck Tea Leaves on the Tall Ancient Trees 如何採摘古樹茶
現在市場上,大部分茶葉都是大規模生產的,所以為了提高產量,多數都用機器採茶。 我們的古樹茶在全天然的海拔2000米以上高山生長,因為樹齡茶過百年以上,所以少數民族茶農們很多時採茶需要用梯子爬到樹上採摘最嫩的茶芽。 茶農生活比較簡樸,他們靠養牛豬和採茶過活。 沒有多餘的錢買肥料,而且茶樹生長環境很好,根本不需要農藥, 茶農就用牲畜的天然肥料幫助茶樹生長 以下圖片就是人手採摘的春茶,帶有 “蒂口” Now days, most of the teas are producing in mass production. The use machine to cut the tea leafs in order to boost up the revenue. Our ancient tree teas are 100% hand pluck and 100% natural without pesticide and chemical fertilizers. What does Hand Pluck Leafs look like? How to distinguish the difference between hand plucked leaves and machine cut leaves? Hand pluck leaves' cut are uneven. By looking at this leaf, we know this is a tea leaf plucked in the spring, because the "round" head on the leaf bottom. ...
茶人的雅致生活 第二章 Tea Master's lives of Tea volume.2
一年一度的搶古樹茶季開始啦! 小寶寶跟大老闆們去收茶~笑 ~下一站西雙版納, 老班章 March , The puer raw leaf purchasing fight starts ! My Baby girl is on the plane to order Spring ancient tree Puer Teas.. READY FOR DEPARTURE! Next stop BanZhang, XiShuang BanNa 每年2,3月是茶季的開端, 準備好,登上飛機 採茶去. 老班章爭奪戰揭開帷幕了!你準備好觀戰未? 刺激。今年會突破3萬 一公斤的關口 嗎? 其實3萬也不太貴。 算起來 也不過$3加幣 一杯。 比 星巴克的咖啡便宜。 不過茶能更好的平衡人身體的陰陽 。尤其是無污染的人手採集古樹茶,對身體更好。 Will the Puer ancient tree leaves price rise over expectation to RMB $30000 per kg ? After we did a calculation; in fact, the price is not that crazy... at lease it is just less than $3 per cup of tea .. well...
WHAT IS A TEA MASTER'S LIFE ? Volume.1 採茶人的雅緻生活 第一章
大多數時間是喝茶, 無論何時何地. Drink Tea in most of the time, no matter on snow mountain or on the lake. 到處去探險,攀山涉水只為找好茶 Take adventures, crossing over mountains to seek high quality teas then Relax with a cup of tea.... If you have any questions please come to our facebook page at or send us an email at! Please also remember to visit our website at!
Promoting the Tea and Chinese Culture in Canada's National Garden Show - Canada Blooms
Thanks to Canada Blooms, DareArts, Government of Canada and NTDTV provided us such a great opportunity to share this wonderful Chinese Tea Culture with Torontonian If you have any questions please come to our facebook page at or send us an email at! Please also remember to visit our website at!