Nov 11, 2017 Recapturing the Hamilton Tea Festival 2017 Steeping the Mandarin PuEr at Hamilton Royal Botanical Garden. So glad to have this opportunity to spread the tea culture and share PuEr with tea friends in Hamilton! Thank you so much for the KIND feedbacks from new tea friends and the return customers. Good to see you coming back again after one year! We will miss you 🍵 #謝謝 ! .Madarin PuEr is a very good soothing tea for your throat, an ancient chinese herb benefits the lung system. The PuEr tea inside the Mandarin Peel is a very mild tea for digestion; it helps lowering the bad fatness in your body. Tradition tea to Tibetan non-veggie area. more aout the Mandarin tea: View Promotion 1,253 people reached .#tea #culture #torontotea #hamilton #TeaSupplier #love #lovetea #puer#GreenTea #healthy