
  • Casually talking in the tea mountains with an old friend

    Casually talking in the tea mountains with an old friend: 'Asking when you arrived, walking in the Hu's village tea forest!'"

    We were casually walking around with Mr. Hu, the tea master, and were delighted to see an old friend while we were collecting tea leaves and branch samples. The friend informed us that his daughter-in-law had returned home from town, and we should visit them.

    I was impressed that Mr. Hu knew almost everyone in the village and where their houses were! The tea tree on the right-hand side, beside Mr. Hu, is over 800 years old according to the villagers. We visit this "mother of tea trees" every time we come back to Hu's village, and it feels like going back home!

    Snow Mountain in mist: 


    Beautiful Tea Tree Flower:

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